Your personal space to manage studies
Find new way to achieve your teaching goals and digitize your study management routines. a comprehensive study journey logic created in cooperation with the teachers and researchers.
All study materials in one place save time
Design a smart and personalised learner's dashboard with custom challenges suitable for them. Save time by not starting from scratch in preparing their lessons. Task solving is structured and attention-grabbing.

An easy platform for teachers
Tasks are easy to compile. Assesing results or giving feedback is flexible and can be done using a picture, sound or video. Feedback can be given related to what has been the task list for every single class. You have a good overview of all subjects and courses, visualized reports and work plans in sync with real life.
Central place for all learning applications
Digital materials are securely available worldwide and can be connected to any external links or uploads. Links to video lessons, interesting exercises and games for studying from global learning applications.

Subject based templates
for personal study journey
Preparing for classes is time and energy intensive, because every school year you start building and completing the subject program again from the beginning. Look for locations of well-functioning materials in the memory. Imagine if you could easily improve the existing path every year with more and more excitement and reuse previously well-functioning study materials.

5 reasons to use Schoolaby
Encrypted data exchange in accordance with data protection law
Automated learning process routines
Individual study or group work
Customizable to meet national curriculum needs
Central place for the best applications in the world
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